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Mate Kiddleton 1,512 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Mate Kiddleton

Red card killed the contest imo, we were definitely up for it. Winning 50/50 challenges, getting to loose balls. Pressing well as a team. Creating chances, keeping good possession.

Nekk minnit...

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted about 8 years ago by Ix Techau

Red card killed the contest imo, we were definitely up for it. Winning 50/50 challenges, getting to loose balls. Pressing well as a team. Creating chances, keeping good possession.Nekk minnit...

Yeah but let's be honest...even if we had continued the same way in the second half we wouldn't have won 4-0 either way.

Gunner Gunners fire long distance screamers at people 5,132 pts
Posted almost 8 years ago by Gunner

It's sad how we give up against big sides if something bad happens against us. We need someone to make us loose like champions instead of like little kids.

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