AST hosting their end of season meeting tonight with this twat.
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almost 10 years
ago ·
Tim Payton will be dancing in the streets tonight.
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Tim Payton will be dancing in the streets tonight.
Paying money for something run by Tim Payton and to listen to John Cross.
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Laughable that the AST invites their favourite clickbait hack so they can fill two pointless hours of transfer gossip and worthless opinions from arguably the worst so-called "journalist" in the tabloid circus. It serves no purpose whatsoever to listen to someone who has fewer contacts than your average pub goer, and still the AST will bang on about all the "reveals" that emerged from this fascinating meeting.
AST quickly went from a pretty good idea to a shunned organisation full of desperate self-involved twats sitting in a circle gossiping about football. It's so embarrassing I can't even think about it without vomiting a little in my mouth.
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Paying money for something run by Tim Payton and to listen to John Cross.
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Wait what? They charge entrance?
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I wasn't aware of that. They gave me a free associate membership after the fanshare went kaput. God knows I won't use that for anything useful.
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You better believe it:
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All the things John Cross said in the meeting, categorised.
Category: No Shit, Sherlock
Category: Poor Man's ITK
Category: We All Knew This
Category: Clickbait Master General
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seen lot of stuff on twitter few weeks back, Julien Laurens said that said this bollocks
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To be fair, Julien Laurens is just as much a clickbaiter as John Cross is. At the end of the day, all these tabloid journos know is what the club wants them to know. John Cross says he wouldn't have printed the Szczesny incident unless he was 100% sure, but there is no way he can be 100% sure since he wasn't actually there. He's trusting someone else that it happened. The tabloid circus is just one big game of whisper.
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