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Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts

Debuchy talks about his injuries in L'Equipe

Posted by Ix Techau almost 10 years ago · 2 replies

I just need to find my rhythm and feeling. It’s never easy having two operations in the same season. I’m not 100%, but not far off. It’s annoying to arrive at a new club and be injured. I made a good start, felt well and then have had two injuries. Inevitably, in your head, you’re not feeling great, you feel guilty. When a club signs you they’re counting on you and in return, I’ve not brought anything…anyway, it’s only a delay.

After the World Cup, it’s true that I needed a break. Three weeks of holiday goes quickly. It’s possible my first injury was related to fatigue, but I don’t know. It’s not easy being in the stands or watching TV. It was hard, but I made the effort to go to the stadium and to the dressing room after the game. It is important to show our face. I could have made my recovery in France or elsewhere, but I chose to stay at Arsenal.


Patron Experiences frequent chest pains from watching Arsenal 5 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Patron

When we initially brought him in, one of the main reasons was because he was dubbed as the younger version of Sagna. Though due to the injuries he's experienced since joining us, it's basically taken nearly a full season of his career, making him nearly the same age Sagna was when he left us.

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