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Omglol 3,323 pts

Matchday Thread - Tottenham vs Arsenal - 05 March 2016

Posted by Omglol over 8 years ago · 8 replies

Arsenal: Ospina, Bellerin, Mertesacker, Gabriel, Gibbs, Elneny, Coquelin, Ramsey, Ozil, Alexis, Welbeck.

Subs: Macey, Chambers, Monreal, Flamini, Campbell, Walcott, Giroud.


Tottenham: Lloris, Walker, Alderweireld, Wimmer, Rose, Dembele, Dier, Lamela, Eriksen, Alli, Kane.

Subs: Vorm, Davies, Trippier, Carroll, Chadli, Mason, Son.


Poom 273 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by Poom

Good and spirited performance. Coq, linesman and Michael Oliver. . .ehhhh. . .

trogdar 10 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by trogdar

Weakened by injuries. Ramsey not in good form. Coquelin still trying to find form. Ozil clearly frustrated. Alexis trying hard but dribbling too much. Gabriel a liability.

Not feeling good about our odds today. Spurs have too much of a spring in their step these days.

Desperately need more depth at center back. As much as I have gained a grudging respect for Mertesacker I would love to see a big, fast CB to complement Koscielny.

trogdar 10 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by trogdar

Oh my goodness that looked like Aaron Ramsey in form .... is this a turning point? Welbeck's play extremely positive so far.

Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by Morleys

Thought it was an okay performance.

Coq really let the team down there, reckless by him and another reminder why there should be solid competition with him for the DM spot. Krychowiak please.

Welbeck, Ospina & Elnenny the standouts for me. Ramsey has to stay on the right for the rest of the season, simply cannot be trusted into the middle.

poodris 2,818 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by poodris

Remember how they didn't sign a single outfield player all summer? That fact invalidates all of wenger and the boards bullshit excuses for this failure of a team.

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by Ix Techau

I don't understand how any of you can say that was a good performance. Spurs absolutely outclassed us in every area of the pitch in the first 30 minutes, and continued to dominate for most of the game. Our goals were the results of a once-in-a-lifetime goal from Ramsey and a good Alexis burst...other than we looked like scared little boys with no positional discipline and a passing accuracy of 2%.

Morleys Mesut Özil > You and your mum, chief 4,431 pts
Posted over 8 years ago by Morleys

Thought we looked like we could win it until Coq decided to destroy our chances of all 3 points

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