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Praxeum Slappin Da Bass Monn 1,141 pts

Theo Walcott interview in The Guardian

Posted by Praxeum almost 10 years ago · 3 replies

On being a father:

I’m going into a game thinking a bit differently now. As in, I’m going to do it for Finley. I’ve always wanted to do it for the fans and the family, but when there’s part of you there it’s different. I’ve never had that before. You just don’t want to let your little dude down.

He’s kicking a ball now, and I haven’t even been making him. I’ve got some great footage on my phone of him half-volleying the ball, I’ll show you if you like. I’ve already shown Arsène Wenger. He wanted to know if he had an agent. He’s blessed. I’m speechless every time I see him.

On missing last year's FA Cup celebrations:

In that sense the injury came at a great time, but I was still grateful that Carl Jenkinson facetimed me from the Wembley celebrations. That was a fantastic touch. He took time out for me and that shows the unity in the squad at Arsenal.

On being picked as the central striker in the FA Cup final:

The manager showed faith in me by playing me up top in the final, but to be honest, I don’t think he had much choice, coming off the back of the performance the week before.

On injury downtime:

I haven’t really been working on my finishing, though I would always practise. I’ve had a long time out and at Arsenal there are players such as Alexis Sánchez who even practise on warm-down days so I would join in.

On being an England veteran:

I’ve been around the England camp for a long time, I feel very old. You suddenly realise that the players you used to look up to, like Steve and Frank, are not there any more, and people are looking up to you. We are a young team again now.

On results over style:

I understand better than ever that football is all about results. In a few years no one will remember who Arsenal beat to win the 2015 FA Cup, they will just remember the team that won. People don’t remember how Germany played in every individual game last summer, they just remember them as World Cup winners.

On staying at Arsenal:

My club future is absolutely fine. I’ll deal with the contract situation in summer, after the England games, because I don’t want it as a distraction. It is important to concentrate on the now. I’ll just leave my agent to sort out the details when the time comes. I’ve just reached 300 appearances for my club – not just any club but a top club like Arsenal – and that’s a great achievement. I am incredibly proud of that, but if I can find the consistency I believe my best years may still be ahead.


Amjalice 20 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Amjalice

"I’ve already shown Arsène Wenger. He wanted to know if he had an agent." That's hilarious.

Simen 1,019 pts
Posted over 9 years ago by Simen

What I don't understand is players who have to say 25 times a day that they "don't want to pick up contract talks yet, because it will become a distraction". Don't they realize that getting bothered with it all the time is also a distraction?

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