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Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts

Welcome to Dial Square!

Posted by Ix Techau about 10 years ago · 9 replies

The Arsenal Report / MiniManager team are extremely happy to announce the launch of our latest project: Dial Square - a new discussion forum and opinion aggregator for Arsenal supporters. We aim to eventually become the go-to hub for opinion, debate and discussions on all things Arsenal.

Dial Square is meant to offer supporters an easy way of sharing their thoughts, without having to navigate through ugly and heavy discussion forums (or be limited by 140 characters on Twitter).

We feature a Reddit-style aggregation where the users themselves decide what content deserves to be showcased. By using an up/down voting system, the front page of Dial Square will always show you the most popular content, based on a scoring algorithm that takes upvotes, downvotes and comment count into account.

But above all, we wanted Dial Square to redefine what a discussion forum should be: fun, simple and powerful.

This site has been custom-built from scratch to serve that specific purpose.



VA10 Football God 4,806 pts
Posted about 10 years ago by VA10

Will Gabriel be banned on here as well? Also I see that a pinned topic (this one) is duplicated. One pinned and another unpinned version. And you have to add ajax. Reloading the entire page after posting a reply is can get very annoying....

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted about 10 years ago by Ix Techau

Looking into AJAXifying the comment adding. The benefit we have on this platform is that we can do whatever we want, we're not bound by any restrictions from IP Board. We can change both features and looks at any time. That was the purpose of ditching 39t and building our own. FREEDOM!

Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts
Posted almost 10 years ago by Ix Techau

Some tips and tricks:

If you're constantly trying to edit your thoughts into 140 characters on Twitter, you can use Dial Square as a type of twitlonger, but without the awful design or ads. How? Click the little hash number on your comment (next to 'Quote') and copy the URL. If you post that link on Twitter people will go straight to your comment.

Don't forget we have pretty powerful formatting options, click the 'Show Markdown examples' to the left of the reply box.

Have you fallen in love with one of our users? You can now stalk him or her by clicking their username and seeing everything they've posted recently. Great for sociopaths.

Do you have more than 50 comments posted? You can now add a custom title to your profile in account settings.

Posted almost 10 years ago by GoonieGooGoo

Site looks great, bound to get better Arsenal commentary than the incoherent drivel you see at the bottom of ESPN posts

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