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Ix Techau Evil Mastermind 14,278 pts

Wenger says it's time for Theo to step up

Posted by Ix Techau about 10 years ago · 0 replies

On Theo's strengths:

Theo’s first attribute is the quality of his reception. It is absolutely exceptional, one of the best in the world, with the timing of his movement and where he goes. When I say quality of receptions, it’s the area where he will get the ball. In that, he is certainly top, top, top because he has the pace behind it as well.

On Theo's weaknesses:

I think he is not completely there yet. It’s normal because he’s been out for a year but you can see week after week, he gets better. I think just before he was injured, he was the best Theo I have ever seen. He had a good balance between being physical and using his pace – and the quality of his finishing had improved tremendously.

On why it's time for Theo to grow some Thierry Henry-shaped injury-free balls:

When he scored the goal on Sunday against Villa, you can see he’s a great finisher now. He had a lot of injuries. I think what he needs is to be a long time without injury. He is 25 now, and it’s the right age for him. It’s now that is decisive for his career.


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