I'm Herbert Chapman, ask me anything!
Grandfather of Arsenal. Won shitloads. 1934 was a sucky year. Disappointed in the decision to move stadium, as I'm now forever condemned to haunt a block of flats. Let's be honest, it's common knowledge that ghosts are bound to a place, so the board made a huge mistake there.
Although I must admit there are some fine babes living in my stadium, so it's not exactly hell.
Ask me anything!
This is an AMA (ask me anything) thread
From time to time we will invite people to answer questions about their connection to Arsenal. Keep in mind that not all questions will be answered, and that our community guidelines still apply. Don't bother asking what the person thinks of Tottenham, the answer will always be shit.
What DM do you think Arsenal should sign?
AMA Response:
I'm basically a poltergeist so I'm not that up to speed on transfer targets, but I like the look of Bielik. He's a huge fucker.
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David Jack, or Jack Wilshere? #MostLikelyToSubsequentlyHauntHighbury
AMA Response:
Big ups to my man David Jack, we go haunting together sometimes. This one time, as a joke, we switched out some paperwork in Arsene's office, and he ended up signing Pascal Cygan instead of fat Ronaldo. It was hilarious.
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Are you jealous of Arsene Wenger? ;)
AMA Response:
Hello, I have seven major titles, I completely reinvented the game, and I banged north London sluts left right and centre, all while obliterated on Absinthe. Wenger ain't got nothing on the Herbmeister.
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What was it like playing for Tottenham from 1905 to 1907?
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Tell me what you think of Stoke.
AMA Response:
In my day they were a mediocre mid-table second division rugby team. Oh no sorry, that's today.
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Are the ITK rumours correct that you cursed Wenger, disabling him from ever being able to operate a zip?
AMA Response:
The zip thing is funny, it's actually an old curse made in 1889 when David Danskin accidentally punched a sorcerer in the face during half-time against Nottingham Forest.
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Why is Januzaj built like a lady boy?
AMA Response:
Thanks for asking. Januzaj comes from a long line of hermaphrodites, so he has probably not inherited the more masculine part of the gene pool.
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Bergkamp Award
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Is it true that you were an instrumental figure in ending WWI?
AMA Response:
For legal reasons I'm not allowed to say, but here is a picture of me towards the end of the war. Draw your own conclusions.
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