Who didn't like Sanchez
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almost 10 years
ago ·
I want the names and addresses of the people who said that Alexis Sanchez was a diving midget c*nt, that Wenger shouldn't sign him and instead go for Pedro or some other c*nt.
Are you saying there are only two world class players on the planet? World class to me means playing at the highest level, not that they are the best players in the world.
I would agree Pedro is dubious, but you're all wrong about Giroud. Source: stats.
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I've never wanted Arsenal to sign Pedro, but I will admit the following:
1) I considered Sanchez an option in the realms of luxury signing, even after having watched Chile at the World Cup. 2) I watched him for Barcelona quite a bit, and thought he didn't do enough on the ball. (I figure that's because of Barcelona's system, in hindsight. They effectively stifled any direct play from anyone who's name didn't begin with "M" and end with "essi"....) 3) I was seriously amazed by his natural workrate. As mentioned above, I thought it was strictly a Chilean National team requirement, because he didn't seem as much of a busybody with Barcelona.
Glad to be wrong, though.
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Ix Techau. Lives somewhere in London.
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I didn't like Alexis Sanchez when he played at Barcelona. He was a diving midget cunt when he played for them, which makes sense as it's a team full of diving midget cunts. Who could have predicted he would drop that Barca shit and become a likeable little duracell rabbit?
And yes, I wanted Pedro. Still do. Pacey world-class direct winger that would add the Walcott-factor to our side in forcing opposition defensive lines to push back. Although I'm not sure why he's not playing at Barca...is he injured?
I'll give you my address if you give me the addresses of every twat who was against Aaron Ramsey in the years leading up to last season, and the people who still don't understand that Olivier Giroud is a world class striker.
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Thierry Henry then?
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Yeah give me his address. I'll go there and talk some sense into that handsome bastard.
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Don't really want Pedro tbh. He's not playing because Barca probably have the best attacking trident in footballing history.
Aaron Ramsey was awful after his leg break, like Denilson level of shit. Last season he was phenomenal and he seems to be playing will full confidence once again.
And Giroud isn't world class for me.
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Pedro and Giroud world-class? Like on Messi and Ronaldo's level? Or is there somehow a level above world-class?
They're good players. Nothing more.
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Are you saying there are only two world class players on the planet? World class to me means playing at the highest level, not that they are the best players in the world.
I would agree Pedro is dubious, but you're all wrong about Giroud. Source: stats.
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World class is top 5 in the world in their position for me
Ronaldo & Messi never count because they're absolute freaks of nature
Suarez Agüero Lewandowski Ibrahimovic
Then there's a chasm of quality, Giroud is probably the same level as Higuain; which is a couple of tiers below. If we're going by stats then Lacazette has to be one of the best strikers around.
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I have a theory which suggests that Ix destroyed the 39t.Co board to shred the evidence of her being against us signing Alexis.
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Hard to compare with Lacazette as Ligue 1 is vastly different in quality to the Premier League. Giroud and Costa are statistically the best strikers in the Premier Legue, and since the Premier Legue is by far the most competitive league in the world I'd say the top five central strikers in the world would have to include those two players.
Suarez, Aguero, maybe Ibrahimovic a couple of years ago, definitely not Lewandowski. Giroud and Costa both deserve to be included in that group of players. Higuain is far removed. He's performing well, but it's Serie A.
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I forgot to add on a consistent basis. Diego Costa fits the bill, he led Atleti to the La Liga title & a Champions League final which eclipses Giroud's achievements over the past year. And I just can't see him keeping on this scoring glut he's on unfortunately.
And you wouldn't take Lewandowski over Giroud? Really?
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You taking Lewandowski over Giroud doesn't prove anything. You might have taken Higuain over Giroud as well. What counts is that Bayern wanted Giroud.
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I don't even like Higuain. Strikers who can only finish and that's it aren't for me. But Lewa is a fantastic footballer who can do everything Oli G can and more.
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Lewandowski is one of my favorite strikers. I'm a huge fan of typical center forwards, love watching them play, and in my opinion Giroud is a world class striker today.
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Giroud is so much underrated by our own fans! Indeed is not at the level of Ibra, lewandowski and Saurez but i rate as as the best striker in EPL at this time. The only thing he does not have is pace.
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BTW, the thread was about Alexis and we seem to have drifted. Can we Clone Alexis to play on both flanks please!
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Yes, really. What does Lewandowski have that Giroud hasn't? He's got zero Premier League experience and 0.64 goals per 90 minutes playing for a Bayern full of world class players in a one-horse race league. Giroud has 0.79 goals per 90 in the most competitive league in the world.
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-Giroud at Arsenal: 11 in 34, 16 in 36, 14 in 23 -Lewandowski at Dortmund & Bayern: 8 in 33 (believe Barrios was still number 1 striker), 22 in 34, 24 in 31, 20 in 33, 16 in 28.
Lewandowski is a better finisher, has better hold-up play and isn't a complete and utter sloth. This is the geezer that has scored 4 against Madrid whilst also scoring 10 in 13, 6 in 8 and 5 in 11 in the Champions League.
Please don't keep up this level of delusion, it makes for a bad reputation amongst Arsenal fans; almost Liverpool like. Just because Giroud has had one decent striking record in 3 seasons at Arsenal at the age of 28 it doesn't mean that he's better than Robert Lewandowski.
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