Favourite Wenger XI
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I would but Messi's goal and Iniesta's assist to Neymar are just too good to not choose. I mean the way Iniesta glided past PSG defense was Bergkamp-like.
How much of the pre-season does that mean he's going to miss?
Your telling me this is ugly?
Or this?
From the Gunners Subreddit:
"Seems he's made sixteen and a half thousand posts in the five years he's been a member at a rate of just over 9 a day. A lot of the members replying to him all call him 'Clarence' (would suggest a communal familiarity), and seem genuinely chuffed/excited. And nobody seems to be calling him out as a bullshit merchant. (as yet) I'd say most likely a legit post, possibly casually exaggerated for dramatic effect. If they care about their continued credibility in their forum, half as much as the average redditor cares about his/her karma... It's odds on accurate. :) I'll buy it."
It was said on the gunners subReddit post that the op was a reliable member of the subReddit and that he had been posting for years. They seem to believe him