Prediction Performance
22 Predictions Made
40% Attendance (22/55)
36.36% Accuracy
Favourite Wenger XI
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I think the new formation is the last attempts of a desperate man to make some changes and save his job.
Not unexpected either which makes it even worse.
Looks good. Understated and splendid.
Its like Celebdaq all over again (one for the kids there...)
Not looking like much will be happening...
I foresee a win... This is the year the UCL goes a bit smoother and we end the group on top.
This is the best news of the week.
Richly deserved for his greed. See ya Sam
For once I am coming into this match not dreading the worse.
3-0 to the good guys.
Nervy win for me.
Any time I was on the homepage... cookie clean worked :)